Scp 079 Containment Breach

AppearanceF1 Menu Art

Open/Close Doors (Active)
Open, close or lock doors to help fellow SCPs catch people with ease.

Lockdown (Active)
Lockdown a room and turn off its lights, allowing SCP-173 to move freely.

Tesla Overcharge (Active)
Activate Tesla Gates on anyone who walks through.

Virtually Indestructible (Passive)
SCP-079 is immune to all normal forms of damage but is weak to the 5 Generators around HCZ.

Health: 100,000Max AP: 100 AP
AP Regen: 1.2 AP/s
Other Information
Spawn Location: Heavy Containment Zone
Weakness: Alpha Warhead and Generators
Interacts with facility systems
Automatically dies as the last SCP
Class ID 7
Article Link:Page
  1. Scp-079 Scp Containment Breach
  2. Scp-079 Containment Breach
  3. Scp 079 Containment Breach

'I have returned once more...'
SCP-079 in the incoming SCP teaser

SCP-079 is one of the seven playable SCP classes in SCP: Secret Laboratory.SCP-079 is an evolving AI on a small computer and can control facility functions remotely.
SCP-079 acts as a support class SCP with abilities designed to assist SCPs in certain situations. Despite the fact that he is heavily based around being a support class; a competent SCP-079 player can often be one of the most dangerous SCPs in-game.
SCP-079 will never spawn as the only SCP in a given round.
The chances of SCP-079 spawning increases with the more SCPs that there are in a given round.

  1. SCP-079 is one of the seven playable SCP classes in SCP: Secret Laboratory. SCP-079 is an evolving AI on a small computer and can control facility functions remotely. SCP-079 acts as a support class SCP with abilities designed to assist SCPs in certain situations. Despite the fact that he is heavily based around being a support class; a.
  2. Again, SCP Containment Breach has been its name since day 1, and if changed would also have a huge negative impact. Heck, Regalis' first SCP game was SCP-087-B, a spin-off of Haversine's own SCP-087 game. As for the ideas themselves, I'll try my best to critique them fairly. SCP-682-B: Having a little girl SCP isn't original.
  3. SCP-079 will solve that problem very easy. SCP-079 can open doors with key-pass on it. It is easy for him to open any door with key-pass (usually those are 914 door, intercom and gates. Those i will call door with key-pass) Also he can help/save an SCP in locked room or let SCPs kill someone in locked room.

Info Object Class Euclid Animate? Yes SCP Link SCP-079This SCP has music relating to it. Containment Chamber SCP-079, referred to as the 'Old AI', is a sentient microcomputer that can be encountered in SCP - Containment Breach. 1 Description 2 In-game 3 Quotes 4 Gallery 5 References SCP-079 is an Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer built in 1978 when its creator took it upon himself to. SCP-079 @ Aug 30 2012, 10:31 AM wrote: Enough to make a game. Basically the game is full of echo, ping commands and choice commands. Really simple script but if used correctly it can go well. I'm also searching for videos on youtube for the UI displays and taking ideas from RPG batch files.


SCP-079 effectively utilizes Site-02's security system to navigate and act. There are security cameras around the map that serve as its mode of navigation. 079 uses these cameras to see the room it is in, and interacts with various electronics around the facility.

SCP-079 can change between cameras by using Left Click on a camera icon, using the WASD keys or by using Tab to open its in-game map, where one can then
Left Click on a room to move to it instantly. The room SCP-079 will be brought to via WASD is based on camera rotation and not room position. Clicking on the WASD icons will also take SCP-079 to the corresponding room.

Cameras can be controlled by moving the mouse towards the edge of the screen, allowing for different viewing angles inside a room.
The camera can be locked to all mouse movement by holding down the Spacebar, which allows for faster camera movement.
However, while holding down the Spacebar, the mouse is locked to the center of the screen, making it harder to interact with the facility.
The settings on the main menu has an option to make Spacebar toggle between these two camera movement options, allowing one to simply press Spacebar once to change between them.

SCP-079 can also press Tab to open up a map of the current zone he is in, except while on Surface. While on the map screen, SCP-079 can see who is alive in each faction at the top left corner. SCP-079 can Left Click on any room in the map to instantly travel to it, with the AP cost depending on how far away the room is. While on the map, SCP-079 can zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel.

SCP-079 can talk to other SCP players using Q, regardless of the distance.

SCP-079 can see people who are wearing SCP-268.

A competent SCP-079 player is often one of the most dangerous things in-game, as their ability to control the doors of Site-02 makes him one of the biggest threats to human players, who often utilize these doors to escape the other SCPs.

An interesting fact: Unlike every other SCP, SCP-079's class color is purple and not red, despite the fact that the Remote Admin shows him as red.


Abilities icon on SCP-079's HUD

SCP-079 has many abilities he can use to interact with the facility around him.
These abilities appear as icons on the screen. A Left Click on these icons can activate that ability.
SCP-079 only has one ability that he can use to directly kill players, the rest of his abilities, besides Speakers, are used to assist SCPs in killing humans, or humans killing other humans.

SCP-079 will gain EXP from using the following abilities, Tesla Gates, Door Interactions, Elevator Interactions and Lockdown.

SCP-079 will gain a large amount of EXP if someone dies from a Tesla Gate he activated, or if a player dies near a door he recently interacted with.

Below is a chart showing SCP-079's abilities.

IconDescriptionAP CostTier Needed
Will quickly move to the selected cameraVariesTier 1
Shows available door actions when hovering over itN/ATier 1
Open the corresponding doorVariesTier 1
Close the corresponding doorVariesTier 1
Lock a door at the cost of draining AP4 AP/sTier 1
Will force the corresponding elevator to be sent up or down10 APTier 1
Talk through a speaker to humans at the cost of draining AP2 AP/sTier 1
Forces an overcharge of a Tesla Gate at the cost of a lot of AP50 APTier 1
Locks down the room and turns the lights out
Allowing SCP-173 to move freely
60 APTier 2

Lockdown ability will turn off lights for 8 seconds and lock doors for 10 seconds.
SCP-079 is unable to use the Lockdown ability in any room that has a destroyed door.
Players can use Flashlights or the Night Vision Epsilon-11 SR attachment to stop SCP-173 from moving in a Lockdown room.

Below is a chart showing how much AP is needed to open or close a door.

DoorAP Cost
Non-Keycard doors; GR-185 AP
Any Checkpoint10 AP
Intercom30 AP
SCP-096; SCP-012's Containment40 AP
LCZ and HCZ Armory; SCP-914's CC50 AP
SCP-049's and Nuke Room Armory60 AP
MicroHID Armory70 AP
Gate A and Gate B80 AP
SCP-106 and SCP-079's CC; Nuke Room110 AP

Changing Zones[edit]

SCP-079's map will only show the current zone he is in. For most zones, SCP-079 has to go to an elevator to enter a different zone.
This is the same for SCP-049's room and the nuke room. To travel between EZ/HCZ, he only needs to travel between the cameras on either side of the Checkpoint at no extra AP cost.

Below is a chart showing the AP cost to change between the other zones/floors of the facility.

IconLocationAP Cost
SCP-049's hallway in HCZ30 AP
Elevator system A and B in HCZ30 AP
Elevator system A and B in LCZ30 AP
Nuke hallway in HCZ30 AP
Both elevators on the Surface Zone30 AP
Gate A and B in Entrance Zone30 AP


As SCP-079 uses his abilities, the controlling player gains a small amount of EXP.
If anyone, even a fellow SCP, dies near a door that SCP-079 recently interacted with, SCP-079 will gain a substantial amount of EXP.
When SCP-079 gets enough EXP he levels up, gaining faster AP regeneration and a higher max AP.

General Interactions[edit]

Scp 079 Containment Breach

SCP-079 will gain a small amount of EXP from interacting with things around the facility.
As SCP-079 levels up the amount of EXP earned for general interactions goes down.
While SCP-079 can no longer gain EXP at Tier 5, the EXP from general interactions still decreases.

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Doors1.5 EXP0.9 EXP0.5 EXP0.3 EXP
Tesla Gates15 EXP9 EXP5.5 EXP3.3 EXP
Lockdown Ability20 EXP12 EXP7.3 EXP4.4 EXP
Elevators3.5 EXP2.1 EXP1.3 EXP0.8 EXP

SCP-079 is unable to use Lockdown at Tier 1. So him gaining 20 EXP from Lockdown can't be seen under normal gameplay.


Termination Assist[edit]

If SCP-079 kills a player with a Tesla Gate or a player dies near a door SCP-079 recently interacted with, a huge amount of EXP will be awarded.
The amount of EXP SCP-079 gains for termination assists doesn't decrease as SCP-079 gains levels.

  • SCP-079 gains 60 EXP from Scientist and SCPs
  • SCP-079 gains 35 EXP from D Class
  • SCP-079 gains 30 EXP from Nine Tailed Fox and Facility Guards
  • SCP-079 gains 20 EXP from Chaos

SCP-079 will only get half of the normal amount of EXP when helping SCP-106 catch someone.

Termination Assist EXP is still gained when SCP-079 helps a human kill another human. So helping Chaos kill a Scientist or a Facility Guard kill a Class D can be an easy way to get some quick EXP.

Scp 079 scp containment breach


SCP-079 levels up as he gains EXP.
Leveling up will cause SCP-079's AP to recharge faster and reset existing EXP to 0.
Reaching Level 2 will give SCP-079 the ability to blackout a room.

Access Level 1:

  • 100 max energy
  • 1.2 energy regen per second
  • Open doors
  • Close doors
  • Lock doors until energy depletes
  • Open/close reinforced doors
  • Cause elevators to move
  • SCP-079 can use the speaker in a specific room to communicate to anyone in that room.

Access Level 2:

  • Unlocks at 100 EXP
  • 110 max energy
  • 2.5 energy regen per second
  • Can use tier 1 abilities for less energy
  • Can cause the room 079 is currently in to 'lock down' for several seconds causing all the doors to lock and the lights to go out.

Access Level 3:

  • Unlocks at 150 EXP
  • 125 max energy
  • 4.1 energy regen per second

Access Level 4:

  • Unlocks at 220 EXP
  • 150 max energy
  • 6.8 energy regen per second

Access Level 5:

Scp-079 Scp Containment Breach

  • Unlocks at 350 EXP
  • 200 max energy
  • 11.2 energy regen per second

AP Regen Rate[edit]

The rate at which SCP-079 regenerates AP is based on what tier he is and how many Emergency Power Stations (EPS) are on.

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
0 Emergency Power Stations1.2 AP/s2.5 AP/s4.1 AP/s6.8 AP/s11.2 AP/s
1 Emergency Power Station1.44 AP/s3 AP/s4.92 AP/s8.16 AP/s13.44 AP/s
2 Emergency Power Stations1.74 AP/s3.63 AP/s5.95 AP/s9.86 AP/s16.24 AP/s
3 Emergency Power Stations2.46 AP/s5.13 AP/s8.41 AP/s13.94 AP/s22.96 AP/s
4 Emergency Power Stations3.42 AP/s7.13 AP/s11.69 AP/s19.38 AP/s31.92 AP/s
5 Emergency Power Stations6.12 AP/s12.75 AP/s20.91 AP/s34.68 AP/s57.12 AP/s


The alert that pops up when an Emergency Power Station is being booted up

Scp-079 Containment Breach

Despite having 100,000 HP, SCP-079 cannot be terminated normally. SCP-079 can only be terminated in three different ways - By activating the Alpha Warhead, turning on all 5 Emergency Power Stations, or by terminating all other SCP subjects.

5 Emergency Power Stations a.k.a Generators, spawn randomly around the Heavy Containment Zone. Each Emergency Power Station requires a keycard with Armory Access 2
to open and a Weapon Manager Tablet to turn on.
It takes about a minute to turn on each Emergency Power Station. Once an Emergency Power Station turns on, C.A.S.S.I.E. will announce its activation.
It should be noted that each time a Emergency Power Station is turned on, 079 gains AP faster (see previous section). Once all 5 Emergency Power Stations are turned on, the Overcharge mechanic will begin and SCP-079 will be forced out of Site-02's systems and be terminated. This happens one minute after the final Emergency Power Station turns on. Heavy Containment Zone also blackouts at this time and all doors in HCZ will close and can not be opened for a short time. If SCP-079 is terminated by Overcharge the MTF will gain 4 Respawn Tickets. This does not happen if SCP-079 is terminated via the Alpha Warhead.


  • Immune to any standard attacks.
  • Can close doors on humans so SCPs can catch up to them.
  • Can use a map to move quickly around a zone.
  • Can talk to humans utilizing speakers found in certain rooms.
  • Not affected by SCP-268.
  • Each Emergency Power Station turned on makes his AP regenerate faster.
  • Extremely powerful with great teamwork.


  • Turning on all 5 Emergency Power Stations kills it.
  • AP recharges slowly at low tiers.
  • Easily killed by the Alpha Warhead.
  • Automatically dies if all SCP buddies die.

Scp 079 Containment Breach

  • SCP-079's power is referred to as 'mana' in the game files, a reference to how Fantasy games manage magic power.
  • SCP-079 was temporarily removed from the game in version 1.0.0 due to many complaints about him being unfun and boring to play, in Megapatch I SCP-079 was added back to the game with a rework.
    • Pre-rework SCP-079 had no AP or EXP. Instead SCP-079 would have to hack a door, camera or tesla to use it. The time varied depending on what was getting hacked, with somethings taking up to 30 seconds. After hacking a door or tesla, a menu would pop up with actions to perform by using the number keys. Doors could only be locked if SCP-079's special ability was available and they would only be locked for a set time. SCP-079 could not interact with elevators.
    • Pre-rework SCP-079 would turn the cameras with the WASD keys and could zoom in with the scroll wheel.
    • Old SCP-079 was not killed with Emergency Power Stations and was instead terminated by shooting his monitor, which took about two shots.
    • Pre-rework SCP-079 could be killed in less than a minute if NTF got lucky with the random loot from Entrance Zone. As there was a small chance for the Cabinets in Walkway Office to have a Facility Manager in it.
  • SCP-079 was the first SCP to get a rework, completely changing SCP-079's mechanics as well as adding EXP and AP.
  • When SCP-079 was first re-implemented there was a bug that caused the Alpha Warhead to not kill SCP-079, making ending the round impossible end in a Stalemate or MTF Win.
  • SCP-079's model is based off a Synco CRT Monitor TM-1 200, the SCP-079 model it self even says Pynco on it.
    • An interesting fact: SCP-079 displays a white X on its screen despite the fact the Synco CRT can only display green text.
  • Because SCP-079 is only immune to Micro HIDs, guns and explosions; other sources of damage such as the Tesla Gate, can kill SCP-079 if you teleport his hitbox in the way.
    • The Chaos Car would leave SCP-079 with only one HP.
SCP Navbox
Playable SCPs
SCP-049 • SCP-049-2 • SCP-079 • SCP-096 • SCP-106 • SCP-173 • SCP-939
Non-Playable SCPs
SCP-018 • SCP-207 • SCP-268 • SCP-330 • SCP-500 • SCP-914 • SCP-2536